i guess i will do my usual lame postings here.
hello. today we had a very
fun rehersal
by playing fast songs at molto ritard THROUGHOUT the whole !#$%&* song.
ok whatever. yihuan wants a new skin. tell me your thoughts yeah.
if want make new skin then yeah i will do it.
anyway i just realised.
for seniors, only me and yihuan is using silver horn !! D:
omg lar. then for genting thingum.
ONLY ME ME ME using silver horn.
gaaah. ok lar i really just log in to make sure this thing stays alive.
ok will be gone now -
make the clock stop, make your heart drop/ darian
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hello french hornists and band members,
Please take note that the
attire for band every Friday is
And do practise El Camino Real, as I believe that it isn't that easy to play, just yet. So, let's work hard together and help one another along the way :D
Posted by: Gladys.
Sunday, August 19, 2007

this blog is pretty dear liao so here to save it.
ahem thankyou very mcuh.
anyway. everyone pls jiayou and pratice elcamino real.
i know everyone loves it, so pls dont deny it.
and congrats to aaron on being selected to join the drumjor nco thingum.
be the drummajor manzzzzz.
ok crazy me. lets work hard : DD
ithink this week pratices arrangement are the same as this week.
if im wrong, pls correct me.
and can YOU pls come band ?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
this week
thursday : practice is only for SLs and sec ones.
friday : practice is only for seniors.
" dont you think this kinda sucks ? "
says darian
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
all the best to all whole still have their commontest.
continue to work hard our graduants.
WE SHALL MARCH TOWARDS ___ ( insert your goal here ) TOGETHER !
Saturday, August 11, 2007
hellos! haha, just feel like posting.
Let's start with thanking
DARIAN for creating this FrenchHorn blog and making such a beautiful skin. haha :D
and followed by wishing LIYANA happy belated birthday!
next is this photo:

The first full section photo taken with the sec 2 batch.
love this photo alot alot because ermm.. everybody looks ugly inside?
haha, that's all byebye!
can i not be the only who updates this blog?
darian is really sad. yeah right.
goodluck everyone for commontest.
Friday, August 10, 2007
YESTURDAY WAS LIYANA'S BIRTHDAY.happy birthday liyana, work hard and we wish you ever ____ ( insert happy stuff here ).DARIAN SIGNING OFF -
Thursday, August 9, 2007
this blog is for french horn section.right duh !.let me start the ball rolling.
We are a group of inspiring french hornist. Some of us are still in highschool, some of us have graduated and ready to acomplish more. We practice in a small band room in woodgrove secondary as a band, Woodgrove Secondary Symphonic Band. We are the french horn section. Oh yes we are.
Year 2000 ;
Yee Teng, ex section leader.
Year 2001 ;
Year 2002 ;
Olsen, ex section leader.
Year 2003 ;
Year 2004 ;
Shyryn, ex section leader.
Sze Chea
Year 2005 ;
Binni, ex section leader.
Yi Huan,
Year 2006 ;
Year 2007 ;
Year 2008 ;
Thursday, August 30, 2007
weeeet`x ! first time blogging here ~ eheh.im feeling so excited ; which is kinda stupid. -.-thanks darian for reminding me the username/password. (:but byebyes ~ your post have no choice but ta go down ~ HAHA.yeah, tomorrow is the celebration day for teachers' day.lets do our best even though its like a small event okies. heeee`x .remember our section moves ah.! ahaha.ohoh, i wanna have section outing ah ~please eh, DEAD SILENCE lur. not scary one. :Dill protect you guys from the evil.! LOL. wth.ah, i realised im actually typing crap. -.-till then .. (:& loves, chloeeee.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
i guess i will do my usual lame postings here.
hello. today we had a very
fun rehersal
by playing fast songs at molto ritard THROUGHOUT the whole !#$%&* song.
ok whatever. yihuan wants a new skin. tell me your thoughts yeah.
if want make new skin then yeah i will do it.
anyway i just realised.
for seniors, only me and yihuan is using silver horn !! D:
omg lar. then for genting thingum.
ONLY ME ME ME using silver horn.
gaaah. ok lar i really just log in to make sure this thing stays alive.
ok will be gone now -
make the clock stop, make your heart drop/ darian
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hello french hornists and band members,
Please take note that the
attire for band every Friday is
And do practise El Camino Real, as I believe that it isn't that easy to play, just yet. So, let's work hard together and help one another along the way :D
Posted by: Gladys.
Sunday, August 19, 2007

this blog is pretty dear liao so here to save it.
ahem thankyou very mcuh.
anyway. everyone pls jiayou and pratice elcamino real.
i know everyone loves it, so pls dont deny it.
and congrats to aaron on being selected to join the drumjor nco thingum.
be the drummajor manzzzzz.
ok crazy me. lets work hard : DD
ithink this week pratices arrangement are the same as this week.
if im wrong, pls correct me.
and can YOU pls come band ?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
this week
thursday : practice is only for SLs and sec ones.
friday : practice is only for seniors.
" dont you think this kinda sucks ? "
says darian
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
all the best to all whole still have their commontest.
continue to work hard our graduants.
WE SHALL MARCH TOWARDS ___ ( insert your goal here ) TOGETHER !
Saturday, August 11, 2007
hellos! haha, just feel like posting.
Let's start with thanking
DARIAN for creating this FrenchHorn blog and making such a beautiful skin. haha :D
and followed by wishing LIYANA happy belated birthday!
next is this photo:

The first full section photo taken with the sec 2 batch.
love this photo alot alot because ermm.. everybody looks ugly inside?
haha, that's all byebye!
can i not be the only who updates this blog?
darian is really sad. yeah right.
goodluck everyone for commontest.
Friday, August 10, 2007
YESTURDAY WAS LIYANA'S BIRTHDAY.happy birthday liyana, work hard and we wish you ever ____ ( insert happy stuff here ).DARIAN SIGNING OFF -
Thursday, August 9, 2007
this blog is for french horn section.right duh !.let me start the ball rolling.