Hey guys, we havent been updating this website that much you know? Let's try to keep this place hot like that okiee? Anyways just want to welcome our four new french hornist, Jack, Iffa, Aloysius and of course Natalie! There were actually three other hornist but we do not have enough instruments, so sorry!

Hope you guys like it here in french horn section, you all die die will like one lah!

Anyway, Binni and I have discussed the whole fat hot shit about our section tee and we have derived with
this hot shit.

Of course, you guys tell me your comments and I will edit everything to you guys liking la. We try to finalize it by monday(3/3) and collect money hopefully by tuesday(4/3) and we can flaunt it this march band camp 08!
One more thing is I want to congradulate you french hornist on the sexsaye performance on 23/2. It was great! Everyone sounded great! But too bad we didnt succeed in our

M:I-2 cool-lo move. We should totally try it again la! Well, I suppose thats all in my attept to revive the website. My second attempt will be a new layout for allegrobrilliante! Coming real soon... (chey! so cool worh!)
-- darian !
PS./ Pardon my overuse of emoticons, they are just so cute la! I sound so ghay xD!